Friday, August 6, 2010

What is REALLY Lurking in Your Water?

Many people don't think twice about turning on the kitchen faucet, grabbing a glass, and gulping down unfiltered tap water. What if you found out there was disgusting bacteria in that water? Read on to learn which bacteria could be potentially hazardous...


>>When I think of chlorine, I think of the stuff people put in their pool to kill the bad bacteria. However, treatment plants often use chlorine to kill viruses and parasites that are found in freshwater sources. Chlorine can be good stuff in small amounts. However, in larger doses, this chemical can lead to birth defects and miscarriages in women.

>>If you let your glass of tap water sit for at least five minutes, the air will kill off most of the chlorine.


>>Whenever you take a pill, prescription or not, traces of it come out in your urine and ultimately make its way back into our tap water resource. Traces of harmless drugs like ibuprofen or aspirin are most likely harmless but be careful of strong prescription drugs. The by-products of these meds can cause illness like MRSA, an anti-biotic resistant illness.

>>Even if you use a filter, it wouldn't be able to eliminate these residuals. The Environmental Protection Agency is assessing what action to take so you will just have to wait.


>>Human and animal waste products often contain e-coli bacteria that can make its way into our water by seeping through broken pipes and sewage systems. The only people who really need to worry about getting sick from bacteria consumption are pregnant women. The average person can recover fast if exposed to a small amount of bacteria.



>>Homes built before 1975 should use precaution when drinking from the tap. The reports of children getting lead poisoning from eating paint chips contaminated with lead is similar to drinking from the faucet. Just like lead is in paint used in houses built before 1975, the chances of having pipes containing lead are just as likely. Lead is dangerous, even in small doses. It can cause nerve damage, anemia, and fetal problems for women.

>> Run your faucet for at least two minutes before drinking, that way the water that has been sitting in the pipes can flush out and clean water can go into your glass.

The safest thing you can do it invest in a filtration system. They can be costly, but in the long run you will be healthier. I use the Pur filter that clips onto your faucet. A red light goes off to let you know when its time to change the filter.

See how your town ranks:

1. Arlington, TX
2. Providence, RI
3. Fort Worth, TX
4. Charleston, SC
5. Boston, MA

1. Pensacola, FL
2. Riverside, CA
3. Las Vegas, NV
4. Reno, NV
5. Houston, TX

*Article from Women's Health magazine*

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